Between Shami Kebab and Jali Kebab

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The difference is that the meat has to be cooked while making Shami Kebab. On the other hand, minced meat is used to make Jali Kebab and the minced meat is raw.
Dal is used in shami kabab, on the other hand, jali kabab does not use dal.
Shami Kebab and Jali Kebab are different in masala.
Shami Kebab and Jali Kebab both use eggs but the process is different.
There are some other differences between Shami Kebab and Jali Kebab. However, even if there is a difference in taste, both are fun, no one is less than the other.

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Lake Bled, Slovenia

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Nestled amidst the Julian Alps is the Lake Bled in Slovenia, inviting you to step into a storybook setting. The star of the show? A tiny island called Bled Island that beckons with the allure of legends and ‘rowmance.’ Hop on a traditional pletna boat and make your way to this island sanctuary. These flat-bottomed boats are unique to Bled, and only 23 boats navigate the lake, piloted by skilled oarsmen whose profession has been handed down through generations since 1740. The island is home to the 17th-century Assumption of Mary Church, which hosts a special bell that legend says will make wishes come true! If you look to the shore, you can spot Bled Castle overlooking the lake’s expanse. The castle—one of the oldest in Slovenia—is positioned on a precipice above the town of Bled on the northwestern shore of the lake.

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Chandrayaan-3 of India

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Rover ‘Pragyan’, lander ‘Vikram’ sent that video in the morning, how it slowly came out of its stomach and set foot on the lunar soil. And on Friday evening, ISRO said, exactly how far ‘Pragyan’ has reached the moon’s soil. Besides, the pace of its progress has also been reported by the Indian Space Research Organization. There is no deviation anywhere. India’s third unmanned lunar mission is still progressing according to ISRO’s plan.

India’s Chandrayaan-3 landed on the south pole of the moon surprising the whole world. last wednesday The main work of landing him on the lunar surface started from 5:45 pm that day. The landing process takes a total of 19 minutes. According to the clock, ‘Vikram’ first set foot on the moon’s soil at exactly 6:04 PM. After that sit on the back of the moon and rest for a few hours. After that, a window opened near Vikram’s stomach. Within a few moments, rover ‘Pragyan’ came rolling down through that window. ‘Vikram’ took the video of his falling down. ISRO released that video on Friday morning. In the morning, it was known that the rover has not only landed on the lunar surface, but has also started rolling. ISRO informed that ‘Pragyan’ has crossed a distance of 8 meters. This time it’s time to just move on.

At 6:19 pm Indian time on Friday, the ISRO X (former Twitter) handle said that the rover ‘Pragyan’ has started moving as per the plan. The rover has successfully traversed 8 meters. Pragyan’s payloads ‘LIBS’ and ‘APXS’ have been launched.

The South Pole of the Moon remained unexplored by Earthlings for so long. India was the first spacecraft to land on the South Pole of the Moon. Along with that, India’s name has been included in the ‘elite’ list of successful countries in making a ‘soft landing’ on the moon. Earlier this achievement was held only by America, Russia and China.

After landing on the lunar surface, the rover ‘Pragyan’ has started to do its work. In the evening, ISRO told X that it is proceeding as per the plan. It has already crossed 8 meters on the rocky ground of the moon. However, this walk is not an ordinary walk, as well as a walk, the characteristics of the moon’s soil can be seen in detail. Explore the topography of Earth’s satellites. That indication was also found in ISRO’s message. The Indian Space Research Organization said two payloads have been launched inside Pragyan — LIBS and APXS. Pragyan will walk on the ground of the moon, then what is the function of the payload? APXS, or Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer, is designed to scientifically estimate the chemical composition of the moon’s soil and the composition of mineral deposits hidden beneath the surface, experts said. APXS has started doing that work for now. In addition to APXS, there is another payload at work. That is, ‘LIBS’ or ‘Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscope’. This payload will determine the basic composition of the lunar soil and rocks, i.e. magnesium, aluminum, silicon, titanium, and the geochemical composition. When Vikram stepped on the moon, it was just dawn. There will be daylight for the next 14 days according to Earth time. During this time, the rover will travel around the lunar surface and collect data. ‘Vikram’ will send that information to Earth. ‘Vikram’ and ‘Pragyan’ will work on solar energy. For the time being, Vikram will remain at the landing site. All messages from India will reach Vikram directly. After that, ‘Vikram’ will automatically select and send that message as needed with the wisdom of the rover on the lunar surface. That is, the scientists sitting on Indian soil will control the rover moving on the lunar soil. Apart from this, ‘Vikram’ can do one more thing – that is to capture every moment of the whole situation. Just as ‘Pragyan’ rolled out of Vikram’s stomach and began to roll down to the lunar soil, he will capture stills and films of the rover’s every-moment movements. In X Handle, ISRO also said that the propulsion module, lander module and all payloads of the rover have gone down. That is, Chandrayaan-3 has started working on the lunar soil as planned by ISRO scientists.

Bright and colorful peacock feathers

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Peacock feathers, multicolored and radiant, are instantly recognizable. Their signature ‘eyespots’ flash in the light when a male displays for a nearby peahen, which is the female species’ name. The colorful nature of the feathers is scientifically fascinating. Instead of the colors being composed of individual pigments, iridescence of the peacock’s hues is caused by the microscopic crystal-like structures of the feathers. As the feathers shift, so does the color of the feather. This iridescent show is all done to attract a mate. When mating season is over, males lose their feathers, making it easy for us to collect them for display, art, or simply a reminder of nature’s beauty.

Akbar Ali khan

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Akbar Ali Khan was born in Nabi Nagar in 1944. BA Honors and MA from Department of History, University of Dhaka and MA and PHV from Queen’s University, Canada. Akbar Ali Khan joined the Civil Service of Pakistan in 1967. Actively participated in the freedom struggle in 1971. He was Finance Secretary, Cabinet Secretary and Advisor to the former Caretaker Government. He was a professor at BRAC University. Popular Publications-Discovery of Bangladesh Friendly Fire, Humpty Dumpty, Disorder and Other Essays, Gresham’s Law Dream and Beyond, দারিদ্রের অর্থনীতি, অতীত, বর্তমান ও ভবিষ্যত পরার্থ পরোতার অর্থনীতি আজব ও জবর, বাংলাদেশের বাজেটে অর্থনীতি ও রাজনীতি। অবাক বাংলাদেশ বিচিত্র ছলনা জালে রাজনীতি, চাবিকাঠির খোঁজে, নুতুন আলোকে জীবনান্দের বনলতা সেন, দুর্ভাবনা ও ভাবনা, রবীন্দ্রনাথকে নিয়ে এবং বাংলায় ইসলাম প্রচারে সাফল্য একটি ঐতিহাসিক বিশ্লেষণ।


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Ingredients: 1 cup flour, 2 cups sugar, water as needed, 1/3 teaspoon salt, 3 tablespoons sour curd, half teaspoon baking powder, oil for frying, ingredients for making syrup, 2 cups water, 1 and a half cups sugar, 3 cardamoms. , a little food color, 1 teaspoon lemon juice

Preparation method: Mix flour, baking powder and salt in a bowl, mix with little water. Then I will pour water little by little. Then mix the mixture again with sour curd. Then add a little more water to make fine dough. Beat the eggs well with an egg beater. The mixture should not be too thick or too thin. To make Sira, put water, sugar and cardamom together in a pan. Heat it on medium flame and glue it. I will add food color later. Now let’s see if it is sticky with my finger. When it is done, add lemon juice to the syrup. jilapi should be served while the syrup is still warm. For this, the syrup pot should be covered. I will put the pan in the oven to fry the jilapi. When the oil is hot, squeeze the ketchup bottle and take the shape of jalapeño. Brown the jalapenos in medium flame. When it is fried, take it out and pour the oil and give it to the Sira container. Leave it for 10 seconds and serve it jilapi.

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Dark chocolate

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Many people love chocolate. The good news for those who love chocolate is that dark chocolate helps in aging. Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants. So those who regularly eat a small piece of dark chocolate every day can keep young for a long time.