Category: About us


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I received a gift from Social Media Jibon I am a popular member of Jibon Pata

Categories: About us

About me

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My name is salma chowdhury. i am a student of Dhaka eden mohila collage. i like songs, guitar, paint, batik, cooking, stitching etc. I like to read books, watch movies and write articles, Some of my interests are history, geography, philosophy and sports. The skills that I have are good communication and interpersonal skill, leadership, critical thinking and writing skill, negotiation, Microsoft Excel, WordPress, Microsoft PowerPoint and photography skill. With these skills, it can be a great asset. i am a member of Dhaka YWCA and guitar organization,  Now i am  57th popular member of i am a blogger.

I am a Bangladeshi.   In 14 September Salma chowdhury born in famous chowdhury families of Dhaka District.  My father name is Abdul Hameed chowdhury and my mother name is Nazma chowdhury. We have four sister, elder sister Dr. Asma Chowdhury become P.h.d in English. Her husband name is Dr. Liaqut Ali, he become V.C. in Dhaka BIRDEM HOSPITAL. He involved in Dhaka Biswa Sahitta kendra and sucharu office. He attends in the conference in Sweden, India, Australia and many other countries. -They have two child Drishty tonmoy and Nibir Anuvab. One of the sons of Nibir Anubhav, his name is Prattay I become work in several cultural affairs and now I become work internet online job in my laptop. My sister Dr. Selina chowdhury becomes gynecologist doctor in Dhaka medical college Hospital, and younger sister Shamima chowdhury is reading many things. In my childhood I attend Bangladesh Television nutunkuri program. I written article and display painting art work in the kisorbangla newspaper. In the institution of Dhaka art collage I display my painting work. I sale my painting card in the shop Jiraz Art gallery. In primary label I finished my education in former English prepartery reciently name uddayan girls high school. In this moment Lorence banet, Patsy and many other teacher teach me. There I finished my education upto class six and than I learn Ugrani girls high school. When my father become ambassador in Qatar I pass S.S.C examination Bangladeshi embassy in Qatar and pass H.S.C in Eden girls, collage. Rurrently I study in degree classes. In that time My teacher Shohel Ahmed teach me. In few months long I educated in Shamsunnahar shisukola bhaban school and the institution of Dhaka art collage. I involved in many cultural institution. I become life member in Dhaka woman’s Christian Association (Y.W.C.A), Dhaka Guitar Songsta and Ummes Academy. In Ummes Academy there I play sing a song. I finished my five year Guitar course in the (Y.W.C.A). My teacher Sultanara Zaman, Shanaz Zaman and Y.W.C.A institute, and radio Bangladesh artist Siddiquer Rahman, Nilima didi, Helen didi teach me, and there I finished short course in Type, Batik, Beautician and Computer. I finished my computer basic course in the Tokiyo, Rottary and many other several institution. In the Rottary institution there Ahadul Islam teach me. I can also do sing a song. My teacher Golam Sanwar Chowdhury, Hanif Ekram, Saffiiulla, Ustad Salimulla teach me. I can expert in painting, cooking, cutting etc. When I stay in Qatar, that time I get International children painting first prize and Japanize greatest foreign minister award gold and silver medal in Japan. In few years ago I get gold medal in Rabindra Sangeet singing award in the institution of federal cultural society, and also I get Philip Radio, Jainul Abedin award, Sanker, online china certificate etc. I go to visit in the country India (Delhi Ajmer), Qatar. Recently I can do Laptop Internet online Job. This online work Moshiur Rahman guide me. My teacher Waliur Rahman also guides me. I request all of them in the world pray to me.

 Artist and Gold Medalist Salma chowdhury 

Bangladesh federal Sanskritik parisad display Rabindra sanget competition, Salma chowdhury get Gold Medal. In between Salma get Japanese foreign minister award in Painting, Jainul Abedin award, Swanker and many awards and certificate. Salma is expert in computer. Salma is a Member of Bangladesh guitar silpi sansta and Dhaka Y.W.C.A. (Young woman Christian association). Salma is the second daughter of former ambassadors Abdul Hameed chowdhury and several social workers Nazma chowdhury. 

This is to certify that you have been presented the CERTIFICATION for GOLD and SILVER AWARD for your excellent entry submitted to the 10 International Children’s Art Exhibition held in Tokyo, Japan. Thousand of children from around the world participate in this annual exhibition which serves as a medium to promote goodwill and international friendship.
শিল্পী ও স্বর্ণপদক সালমা চৌধুরী গোল্ড এবং সিলভার পুরস্কারের জন্য সার্টিফিকেশন
জাপানের টোকিওতে অনুষ্ঠিত 10 টি ইন্টারন্যাশনাল চিলড্রেন আর্ট প্রদর্শনীতে জমা দেওয়া আপনার চমৎকার প্রবেশের জন্য আপনাকে গোল্ড এবং সিলভার পুরস্কারের জন্য সার্টিফিকেশন প্রদান করা হয়েছে। বিশ্বব্যাপী হাজার হাজার শিশু এই বার্ষিক প্রদর্শনীতে অংশগ্রহণ করে যা আন্তরিকতা এবং আন্তর্জাতিক বন্ধুত্বকে উন্নীত করার মাধ্যম হিসাবে কাজ করে।
Juro Arimitsu                                                     Yosoji Kobayashi
President                                                            Director
BIIIKU BUNKA KYOKAI                                         NIPPON TELEVISION NETWORK



Salmachowdhury (
Salmachowdhury (
স্বাগতম বর্ষা
এলো বর্ষা আনন্দের দোলা বয়ে, গেলো সকলের মনে
মেঘে মেঘে ঘর্ষণ, বৃষ্টি ঝরে অবিরল
পানিতে ভরে গেলো রাস্তা ঘাট, মাঠ জনপদ
এবার চাষীরা বুনবে ধান পাট, আরও কত কি
নতুন ফসল ফলবে, সোনা ফলবে মাঠে মাঠে,
গাছে গাছে কদম ফুল ফুটবে
আহা কি সুন্দর এদেশ আমার
ফলে ফুলে ভরা
বুক ভরা আসায় সবার মনে দোলা লাগবে
রাখালেরা আপন মনে বাঁশি বাজাবে
সবাই আনন্দের কোলাহলে কাটাবে দিন
Welcome monsoon
He came to the delight of the rainy season, the mind of everyone
Cloud cloud friction, rain falls continuously
Road ghat filled with water, field janapada
Now farmers will get rice jute, how much more
The new crop yields gold, the fields are in the field,
The trees on the tree will be flowering kadam flowers
Oh, what is this beautiful country of mine
The result is a swollen swelling
When the chest is filled, everyone will need a dhola
The shepherds play flute in their own mind
Everyone will spend the joy of the cry

 My vedio-

 My favorite song

Rabindra sangeet-

1. Tumi Sandhyar Meghmala- Srikanta Acharya

2. Tumi Kemon Kore Gan Koro- Srikanto Acharya

3. Sakhi Bhavna Kahare Bale- Rezwana Chowdhury

4. Tumi Robe Nirobe – Kuheli

5. Megh Boleche Jabo Jabo- Indrani Sen

6. EkTuku ChoYa Lage- Srikanta Acharya

7. Amaro Porano Jaha Chay- Indrani Sen

8. Chorono Dhorite Deogo Amare-

9. Tumi Nirmolo Koro (তুমি নির্মল কর) | Shithi Saha | Amit – Ishan | Rajanikanta Sen

Adhunik bangla song-

1. Oi jhinuk fota shagor belai- Samina Chowdhury

2. ai ai ke jabi ai ke mon harabi | Dance Cover| Lopamudra Mitra | bengali songs | Prantika Adhikary |

Bengali Movie Song

1. Andho Aaalo Chayate- Kalankini Kankabati

Hindi film song

1. Tere Mere Milan Ki Yeh (HD)- Abhimaan Song – Jaya Bhaduri – Amitabh Bachchan- Jaya Amitabh Hits

Gardening is my hobby, my mind is filled with joy when flowers bloom in the garden.

Rosa 'Mister Lincoln' (Hybrid Tea Rose)Rose, belly flower — SteemitBelly, Kath golap Flower | কাঠগোলাপ ফুল পরিচিতি | কাঠগোলাপ ফুল | Flowers Name | Frangipani - YouTubeWood rose, Hibiscus Red - জবা লালJaba, Rongon Red - রঙ্গন লালRangan, Marigold 3 colour - গাঁদাGatha, Palash tree Stock Photos, Images & Photography | ShutterstockPalash, Shimul, Sunflower, Dalia are my favorite flowers.

Categories: About us