2 eggs in half kg milk or 4 eggs in 1 kg milk or 8 eggs in 2 kg milk. Like the amount of sugar.
First, boil the milk and cool it, then break the eggs. Now I will make caramel by mixing sugar in a frypan without another handle, now I will mix eggs with both. Later, when the caramel cools, I will pour the milk and egg mixture in that container. Now put a large pan on the stove and put the milk egg caramel pot inside it and cover it and press the lid with something hard or a salt container, and pour 1 kettle of water over the pot, when that water dries, then open the lid and see the milk and egg mixture. If it is hard or not hard, then water should be added under the pot, then when this water dries up, I will turn off the stove, then the pudding will be done. After that, remove the pot from the pan and let it cool in the fridge.